Space-Borne Infrared Astronomy


The objective of this grant is to develop the Far IR Photometer (FIRP), one of four focal plane instruments on the IR Telescope in Space (IRTS). The IRTS was successfully launched in March 18, 1995 aboard the Japanese SFU platform. It surveyed the IR sky for approximately 40 days, and was eventually retrieved by NASA's STS. The FIRP succeeded in surveying approximately 5% of the sky in four bands centered at 150, 250, 400 and 700 microns. Several new technologies were developed using the funds from this grant, including: (1) a high performance gas-gap heat-switch, (2) a He-3 sorption refrigerator that is, to date, the only refrigerator to achieve sub-Kelvin temperatures in orbit, (3) high-sensitivity bolometric detectors with NEP less than 10-16 W(Hz(exp l/2)exp 1/2) when operated from a 300 mK heat sink, (4) readout electronics capable of providing DC stability for the bolometric detectors. Excess noise of unknown origin significantly reduced the sensitivity of the FIRP on orbit. Nevertheless, scientifically significant observations of the spectrum and temperature of the interstellar dust were made, and have been reported

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