Low-Speed Tests of Semispan-Wing Models at Angles of Attack from 0 to 180 degrees


Semispan-wing models were tested at angles of attack from 0 to 180 deg at low subsonic speeds. Eight plan forms were considered, both swept and unswept with aspect ratios ranging from 2 to 6. Except for a delta-wing model of aspect ratio 2. all models had a taper ratio of 0.5 and an NACA 64AO10 airfoil section. The delta-wing model had an NACA 0005 (modified) airfoil section. With two exceptions, the models were tested both with and without a full-span trailing-edge flap deflected 25 deg. The Reynolds numbers based on the mean aerodynamic chord were between 1.5 and 2.2 million. Lift, drag, and pitching-moment coefficients are presented as functions of angle of attack. Approximate corrections for the effects of blockage were applied to the data

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