Effect of Swirl on Turbulent Structures in Supersonic Jets


Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) is used to study the mechanism of generation and evolution of turbulence structures in a temporally evolving supersonic swirling round jet and also to examine the resulting acoustic radiations. Fourier spectral expansions are used in the streamwise and azimuthal directions and a 1-D b-spline Galerkin representation is used in the radial direction. Spectral-like accuracy is achieved using this numerical scheme. Direct numerical simulations, using the b-spline spectral method, are carried out starting from mean flow initial conditions which are perturbed by the most unstable linear stability eigenfunctions. It is observed that the initial helical instability waves evolve into helical vortices which eventually breakdown into smaller scales of turbulence. 'Rib' structures similar to those seen in incompressible mixing layer flow of Rogers and Moserl are observed. The jet core breakdown stage exhibits increased acoustic radiations

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