Transonic Flow Past a Symmetrical Airfoil-- Inviscid and Turbulent Flow Properties


Flowfield measurements are presented for a symmetrical NACA 64A010 airfoil section at transonic conditions. Measurements were obtained for three angles of attack with the freestream Mach number fixed at O.S. The cases studied included a weak shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction, an interaction of medium strength with mild separation, and an interaction of sufficient strength to produce a shock-induced stall situation. Two nonintrusive optical techniques, lower velocimetry and holographic interferometry, were used to characterize the flows. The results include Mach number contours and flow angle distributions in the inviscid flow regions, and turbulent flow properties, including the turbulent Reynolds stresses, of the upper surface viscous layers, and of the near-wake. The turbulent flow measurements reveal that the turbulence fluctuations attain equilibrium with the local mean flow much faster than previously expected

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