Numerical Modeling of the Global Atmosphere


Under this grant, we continued development and evaluation of the updraft downdraft model for cumulus parameterization. The model includes the mass, rainwater and vertical momentum budget equations for both updrafts and downdrafts. The rainwater generated in an updraft falls partly inside and partly outside the updraft. Two types of stationary solutions are identified for the coupled rainwater budget and vertical momentum equations: (1) solutions for small tilting angles, which are unstable; (2) solutions for large tilting angles, which are stable. In practical applications, we select the smallest stable tilting angle as an optimum value. The model has been incorporated into the Arakawa-Schubert (A-S) cumulus parameterization. The results of semi-prognostic and single-column prognostic tests of the revised A-S parameterization show drastic improvement in predicting the humidity field. Cheng and Arakawa presents the rationale and basic design of the updraft-downdraft model, together with these test results. Cheng and Arakawa, on the other hand gives technical details of the model as implemented in current version of the UCLA GCM

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