Analysis of X-15 Landing Approach and Flare Characteristics Determined from the First 30 Flights


The approach and flare maneuvers for the first 30 flights of the X-15 airplane and the various control problems encountered are discussed. The results afford a relatively good cross section of landing conditions that might be experienced with future glide vehicles having low lift-drag ratios. Flight-derived drag data show that preflight predictions based on wind-tunnel tests were, in general, somewhat higher than the values measured in flight. Depending on configuration, the peak lift-drag ratios from flight varied from 3.5 to 4.5 as compared with a predicted range of from 3.0 to 4.2. By employing overhead, spiral-type patterns beginning at altitudes as high as 40,000 feet, the pilots were consistently able to touch down within about +/-1,000 feet of a designated point. A typical flare was initiated at a "comfortable" altitude of about 800 feet and an indicated airspeed of approximately 300 knots., which allowed a margin of excess speed. The flap and gear were extended when the flare was essentially completed, and an average touchdown was accomplished at a speed of about 185 knots indicated airspeed, an angle of attack of about 7 deg, and a rate of descent of about 4 feet per second. In general, the approach and landing characteristics were predicted with good accuracy in extensive preflight simulations. F-104 airplanes which simulated the X-15 landing characteristics were particularly valuable for pilot training

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