Mars Characterization for Future Missions


Annual simulations of Mars' atmosphere made with the NASA Ames Mars General Circulation Model have been used to extract and generate products to provide statistical products that detail the variability of Mars' atmosphere on fairly short time scales. These products are needed for the creation of a new version of Mars-GRAM, due for completion in June, 1999. The updated Mars-Gram, in turn, will provide guidance for forthcoming aerobraking and aerocapture activities. We have created files containing zonally-averaged fields (temperatures, densities, pressures, and winds, all on z-surfaces), as well as zonally-averaged diurnal and semidiurnal tidal amplitudes and phases. All fields represent a time averaged state (over either 5 or 30 sols), and all fields are available at each of 12 seasons for a Mars year (the seasons being 30deg of Ls apart). Files for low and moderate dust loading cases are liable via anonymous ftp. Files for a high dust case will be in place shortly

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