Far Infrared Line Profiles from Photodissociation Regions and Warm Molecular Clouds


This report summarizes the work done under NASA Grant NAG2-1056 awarded to the University of Colorado. The aim of the project was to analyze data obtained over the past several years with the University of Colorado far-infrared heterodyne spectrometer (Betz Boreiko 1993) aboard the Kuiper Airborne Observatory. Of particular interest were observations of CO and ionized carbon (C II) in photodissociation regions (PDRS) at the interface between UV-ionized H II regions and the neutral molecular clouds supporting star formation. These data, obtained with a heterodyne spectrometer having a resolution of 3.2 MHz, which is equivalent to a velocity resolution of 0.2 km/s at 60 microns and 1.0 km/s at 300 microns, were analyzed to obtain physical parameters such as density and temperature in the observed PDR. The publication resulting from the work reported here is appended. No inventions were made nor was any federally owned property acquired as a result of the activities under this grant

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