An OFDM System Using Polyphase Filter and DFT Architecture for Very High Data Rate Applications


This paper presents a conceptual architectural design of a four-channel Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) system with an aggregate information throughput of 622 megabits per second (Mbps). Primary emphasis is placed on the generation and detection of the composite waveform using polyphase filter and Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) approaches to digitally stack and bandlimit the individual carriers. The four-channel approach enables the implementation of a system that can be both power and bandwidth efficient, yet enough parallelism exists to meet higher data rate goals. It also enables a DC power efficient transmitter that is suitable for on-board satellite systems, and a moderately complex receiver that is suitable for low-cost ground terminals. The major advantage of the system as compared to a single channel system is lower complexity and DC power consumption. This is because the highest sample rate is half that of the single channel system and synchronization can occur at most, depending on the synchronization technique, a quarter of the rate of a single channel system. The major disadvantage is the increased peak-to-average power ratio over the single channel system. Simulation results in a form of bit-error-rate (BER) curves are presented in this paper

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