Sporadic-E As Observed with Rockets


Data obtained with rockets flown over New Mexico, U.S.A. and Manitoba, Canada have always shown the sporadic-E layer to be a thin layer with a large electron density gradient. The vertical electron density profiles and the horizontal uniformity of the sporadic-E layer are discussed herein. These layers have a strong tendency to form at preferential altitudes separated by approximately 6 km, and a striking correlation exists with wind- shears and magnetic field variations. In two cases where comparisons with ionograms were possible, the minimum frequency of the F-region echoes was found approximately equal to the plasma frequency of the sporadic-E layer reduced by half the gyrofrequency. On the other hand, the maximum frequency of the sporadic-E echoes as noted on ionograms was sometimes as much as 1 to 2 Mc greater than the plasma frequency

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