The 12x32 Pop-Up Bolometer Array for the SHARC II Camera


SHARC II is a 350 micron facility camera for the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO) expected to come on-line in 2002. The key component of SHARC II is a 12x32 array of doped silicon 'pop-up' bolometers developed at NASA/Goddard and delivered to Caltech in March 2002. Each pixel is 1 mm x 1 mm, coated with a 400 Omega/square bismuth film, and located lambda/4 above a reflective backshort to maximize radiation absorption. The pixels cover the focal plane with greater than 95% filling factor. Each doped thermistor occupies nearly the full area of the pixel to minimize 1/f noise. We report some results from the first cold measurements of this array. The bolometers were located inside a dark cover, and 4x32 pixels were read simultaneously. In the best 25% of winter nights on Mauna Kea, SHARC II is expected to have an NEFD at 350 microns of 1 Jy s(sup 1/2) or better

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