
Working Group Reports and Presentations: Mars Science and Exploration


In Mars, the spirit of exploring an exciting and rewarding new frontier is alive. Mars not only offers a unique destination for exploration, but it is also a critical destination for the advancement of human society and preservation of humanity. The exploration of Mars will provide significant social and technological benefits to enhance life on Earth as well. International cooperation will not only be essential to the success of a human presence on Mars, but development of such interactions will jumpstart collaboration on global issues. The eventual commercialization of space holds tremendous opportunities for economic growth. Finally, there is an undeniable basic human need to explore and define our place in the universe. The overarching theme that ties together all of these reasons for exploration is to inspire and unite the global community to pursue a common cause that is much larger than disagreements over ethnic differences or national borders. Continuous inspiration of the public, the scientific community, and the community of Earth are required in order to explore Mars

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