A Hardened CARS System Utilized for Temperature Measurements in a Supersonic Combustor


A coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) system has been hardened for use in a NASA Langley supersonic combustion test cell. The system can obtain temperature cross sections of the flow at three locations. The system is environmentally protected and remotely operated. Measurements were made in a scram-jet combustor model consisting of a rear- ward-facing step, followed by an expansion duct. The duct is nominally 4 feet in length. The free stream conditions were Mach 2, with static pressure which ranged from 0.8 to 1.9 atm, and a static temperature of approximately 800K. Three vertical slots were machined into each side of the duct to allow optical access. The CARS system utilized a planar BOXCARS beam arrangement. This arrangement allowed the laser beams to pass through the vertical slots in the tunnel. Translation stages were utilized to move the focussing volume within the tunnel. These stages allowed complete cross sections to be obtained at each slot location. A fiber optic carried the signal to a remotely located monochrometer and reticon detector.Data for two different flow conditions were taken at each of the three slot locations. These two conditions provided a comparison between reacting and non-reacting mixing of injected hydrogen fuel with the combustion heated supersonic stream

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