
Visualization Methods for Viability Studies of Inspection Modules for the Space Shuttle


An effective simulation of an object, process, or task must be similar to that object, process, or task. A simulation could consist of a physical device, a set of mathematical equations, a computer program, a person, or some combination of these. There are many reasons for the use of simulators. Although some of the reasons are unique to a specific situation, there are many general reasons and purposes for using simulators. Some are listed but not limited to (1) Safety, (2) Scarce resources, (3) Teaching/education, (4) Additional capabilities, (5) Flexibility and (6) Cost. Robot simulators are in use for all of these reasons. Virtual environments such as simulators will eliminate physical contact with humans and hence will increase the safety of work environment. Corporations with limited funding and resources may utilize simulators to accomplish their goals while saving manpower and money. A computer simulation is safer than working with a real robot. Robots are typically a scarce resource. Schools typically don t have a large number of robots, if any. Factories don t want the robots not performing useful work unless absolutely necessary. Robot simulators are useful in teaching robotics. A simulator gives a student hands-on experience, if only with a simulator. The simulator is more flexible. A user can quickly change the robot configuration, workcell, or even replace the robot with a different one altogether. In order to be useful, a robot simulator must create a model that accurately performs like the real robot. A powerful simulator is usually thought of as a combination of a CAD package with simulation capabilities. Computer Aided Design (CAD) techniques are used extensively by engineers in virtually all areas of engineering. Parts are designed interactively aided by the graphical display of both wireframe and more realistic shaded renderings. Once a part s dimensions have been specified to the CAD package, designers can view the part from any direction to examine how it will look and perform in relation to other parts. If changes are deemed necessary, the designer can easily make the changes and view the results graphically. However, a complex process of moving parts intended for operation in a complex environment can only be fully understood through the process of animated graphical simulation. A CAD package with simulation capabilities allows the designer to develop geometrical models of the process being designed, as well as the environment in which the process will be used, and then test the process in graphical animation much as the actual physical system would be run . By being able to operate the system of moving and stationary parts, the designer is able to see in simulation how the system will perform under a wide variety of conditions. If, for example, undesired collisions occur between parts of the system, design changes can be easily made without the expense or potential danger of testing the physical system

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