
Zero-Propellant Maneuver[TM] Flight Results for 180 deg ISS Rotation


This paper presents results for the Zero Propellant Maneuver (ZPM) TradeMark attitude control concept flight demonstration. On March 3, 2007, a ZPM was used to reorient the International Space Station 180 degrees without using any propellant. The identical reorientation performed with thrusters would have burned 110lbs of propellant. The ZPM was a pre-planned trajectory used to command the CMG attitude hold controller to perform the maneuver between specified initial and final states while maintaining the CMGs within their operational limits. The trajectory was obtained from a PseudoSpectral solution to a new optimal attitude control problem. The flight test established the breakthrough capability to simultaneously perform a large angle attitude maneuver and momentum desaturation without the need to use thrusters. The flight implementation did not require any modifications to flight software. This approach is applicable to any spacecraft that are controlled by momentum storage devices

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