
Rate-distance tradeoff for codes above graph capacity


The capacity of a graph is defined as the rate of exponential growth of independent sets in the strong powers of the graph. In the strong power an edge connects two sequences if at each position their letters are equal or adjacent. We consider a variation of the problem where edges in the power graphs are removed between sequences which differ in more than a fraction δ\delta of coordinates. The proposed generalization can be interpreted as the problem of determining the highest rate of zero undetected-error communication over a link with adversarial noise, where only a fraction δ\delta of symbols can be perturbed and only some substitutions are allowed. We derive lower bounds on achievable rates by combining graph homomorphisms with a graph-theoretic generalization of the Gilbert-Varshamov bound. We then give an upper bound, based on Delsarte's linear programming approach, which combines Lov\'asz' theta function with the construction used by McEliece et al. for bounding the minimum distance of codes in Hamming spaces.Comment: 5 pages. Presented at 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theor

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