
"A Search For The Young and Energetic Pulsar in G328.4+0.2"


The pulsar-powered nebula G328.4+0.2 is one of the largest and most luminous such sources known. The nature of G328.4+0.2 has been a source of controversy - the object s flat radio spectral index has been used to argue that this object is a young pulsar wind nebula (PWN), while others have used radial protrusions in the magnetic field orientation along the source s outer edge to argue that it is an old supernova remnant (SNR). In the first interpretation, the X-ray nebula inside this radio source would be located inside the central "bar" detected in the radio. In the second interpretation, the expectation is that the X-ray PWN would be located at either end of this central "bar". The goals of our XMM observation were to try and detect the pulsar, and to use its location and other properties to distinguish between the above two possibilities

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