
Novel Vibration Damping of Ceramic Matrix Composite Turbine Blades Developed for RLV Applications


The Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) represents the next generation of space transportation for the U.S. space program. The goal for this vehicle is to lower launch costs by an order of magnitude from 10,000/lbto10,000/lb to 1,000/lb. Such a large cost reduction will require a highly efficient operation, which naturally will require highly efficient engines. The RS-2200 Linear Aerospike Engine is being considered as the main powerplant for the RLV. Strong, lightweight, temperature-resistant ceramic matrix composite (CMC) materials such as C/SiC are critical to the development of the RS-2200. Preliminary engine designs subject turbopump components to extremely high frequency dynamic excitation, and ceramic matrix composite materials are typically lightly damped, making them vulnerable to high-cycle fatigue. The combination of low damping and high-frequency excitation creates the need for enhanced damping. Thus, the goal of this project has been to develop well-damped C/SiC turbine components for use in the RLV. Foster-Miller and Boeing Rocketdyne have been using an innovative, low-cost process to develop light, strong, highly damped turbopump components for the RS-2200 under NASA s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. The NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field is managing this work. The process combines three-dimensionally braided fiber reinforcement with a pre-ceramic polymer. The three-dimensional reinforcement significantly improves the structure over conventional two-dimensional laminates, including high through-the-thickness strength and stiffness. Phase I of the project successfully applied the Foster-Miller pre-ceramic polymer infiltration and pyrolysis (PIP) process to the manufacture of dynamic specimens representative of engine components. An important aspect of the program has been the development of the manufacturing process. Results show that the three-dimensionally braided carbon-fiber reinforcement provides good processability and good mechanical stiffness and strength in comparison to materials produced with competing processes as shown in the graphs

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