
A General Computation Scheme for a High-Order Asymptotic Expansion Method


This paper presents a new computational scheme for an asymptotic expansion method of an arbitrary order. The asymptotic expansion method in finance initiated by Kunitomo and Takahashi [1992], Yoshida [1992b] and Takahashi [1995], [1999] is a widely applicable methodology for an analytic approximation of expectation of a certain functional of diffusion processes. Hence, not only academic researchers but also many practitioners have used the methodology for a variety of financial issues such as pricing or hedging complex derivatives under high-dimensional underlying stochastic environments. In practical applications of the expansion, a crucial step is calculation of conditional expectations for a certain kind of Wiener functionals. [1995], [1999] and Takahashi and Takehara [2007] provided explicit formulas for those conditional expectations necessary for the asymptotic expansion up to the third order. This paper presents the new method for computing an arbitrary-order expansion in a general diffusion-type stochastic environment, which is powerful especially for high-order expansions: We develops a new calculation algorithm for computing coefficients of the expansion through solving a system of ordinary differential equations that is equivalent to computing the conditional expectations directly. To demonstrate its effectiveness, the paper gives numerical examples of the approximation for a lambda-SABR model up to the fifth order.

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