
The History of Macroeconomics Viewed Against the Background of the Marshall-Walras Divide


Analysing the recent history of macroeconomics, my paper claims that the new classical revolution should be viewed as a substitution of Walrasian macroeconomics to the earlier prevailing Marshalian macroeconomics. The first part of the paper is concerned with two conceptual prerequisites, the relationship between macroeconomics and general equilibrium, the meaning of the “Keynesianism” modifier. In a second part, the different facets of the Marshall-Walras divide are expounded. My general claim is substantiated in the third paper of the paper. Herein, I claim that the IS-LM model is a simplified Marshallian general equilibrium model while real business cycle models belong to the Walrasian reserach programme. Finally, I express my scepticism as to the possibility of a New Neoclassical Synthesis.History of macroeconomics; Neoclassical Synthesis; New Neoclassical Synthesis; Keynesianism; Monetarism

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