
A taxinomy of the collective figures of coordination of action: from convention to routine (In French)


This article proposes a taxonomy of the conventional forms of coordination of the action based on the progressive weakening of their interpretability. After having proposed to weaken the load of rationality contained in the Lewis\'s convention, defined like Common Knowledge, one proposes to centre the contents of convention on the production of reference mark of behaviors in contexts of action marked by uncertainty. The rule, concept essential of any theory of the action, can be considered like particular mode of organization of the field of the action possible. General and incomplete, it is the interpretatif framework of the action. After that, we propose to base the disjunction between the procedure and the routine on the differences between the formal and the tacit. Indeed, the weakening of the interpretable character of the rule in situations where uncertainty is reduced or largely endogeneized leads to giving it a more marked prescriptive character in the form of procedure like structure of formal action and the routine like structure of tacit action.Convention, rule, procedure, routine, uncertainty, coordination, action

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