
OH in the Tropical Upper Troposhere and Its Relationships to Solar Radiation and Reactive Nitrogen


In situ measurements of [OH], [HO2] (square brackets denote species concentrations), and other chemical species were made in the tropical upper troposphere (TUT). [OH] showed a robust correlation with solar zenith angle. Beyond this dependence, however, [HOx] ([OH] + [HO2]) only weakly responds to variations in its source and sink species. For example, at a given SZA, [HOx] was broadly independent of the product of [O3] and [H2O]. This suggests that [OH] is heavily buffered in the TUT. One important exception to this result is found in regions with very low [O3], [NO], and [NOy], where [OH] is highly suppressed, pointing to the critical role of NO in sustaining OH in the TUT

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