
New Aspects of a Lid-Removal Mechanism in the Onset of a SEP-Producing Eruption Sequence


We examine a sequence of two ejective eruptions from a single active region on 2012 January 23, using magnetograms and EUV images from SDO/HMI and SDO/AIA, and EUV images from STEREO. Cheng et al. (2013) showed that the first eruption's ("Eruption 1'') flux rope was apparent only in "hotter'' AIA channels, and that it removed overlying field that allowed the second eruption (``Eruption 2'') to begin via ideal MHD instability; here we say Eruption 2 began via a ``lid removal'' mechanism. We show that during Eruption-1's onset, its flux rope underwent ``tether weakening'' (TW) reconnection with the field of an adjacent active region. Standard flare loops from Eruption 1 developed over Eruption-2's flux rope and enclosed filament, but these overarching new loops were unable to confine that flux rope/filament. Eruption-1's flare loops, from both TW reconnection and standard-flare-model internal reconnection, were much cooler than Eruption-2's flare loops (GOES thermal temperatures of approx. 9 MK compared to approx. 14 MK). This eruption sequence produced a strong solar energetic particle (SEP) event (10 MeV protons, >10(exp 3) pfu for 43 hrs), apparently starting when Eruption-2's CME blasted through Eruption-1's CME at 5-10 R_s. This occurred because the two CMEs originated in close proximity and in close time sequence: Eruption-1's fast rise started soon after the TW reconnection; the lid removal by Eruption-1's ejection triggered the slow onset of Eruption 2; and Eruption-2's CME, which started approx. 1 hr later, was three times faster than Eruption-1's CME

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