
The GEOS-iODAS: Description and Evaluation


This report documents the GMAO's Goddard Earth Observing System sea ice and ocean data assimilation systems (GEOS iODAS) and their evolution from the first reanalysis test, through the implementation that was used to initialize the GMAO decadal forecasts, and to the current system that is used to initialize the GMAO seasonal forecasts. The iODAS assimilates a wide range of observations into the ocean and sea ice components: in-situ temperature and salinity profiles, sea level anomalies from satellite altimetry, analyzed SST, and sea-ice concentration. The climatological sea surface salinity is used to constrain the surface salinity prior to the Argo years. Climatological temperature and salinity gridded data sets from the 2009 version of the World Ocean Atlas (WOA09) are used to help constrain the analysis in data sparse areas. The latest analysis, GEOS ODAS5.2, is diagnosed through detailed studies of the statistics of the innovations and analysis departures, comparisons with independent data, and integrated values such as volume transport. Finally, the climatologies of temperature and salinity fields from the Argo era, 2002-2011, are presented and compared with the WOA09

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