Digital Calibration of TR Modules for Real-Tme Digital Beamforming SweepSAR Architectures


Real-time digital beamforming, combined with lightweight, large aperture reflectors, enable a new architecture, which is the baseline for the proposed DESDynI [Deformation, Ecosystem Structure, and Dynamics of Ice] SAR [Synthetic Aperture Radar] Instrument (or DSI). This new instrument concept requires new methods for calibrating multiple simultaneous channels. The calibration of current state-of-the-art Electronically Steered Arrays typically involves pre-flight TR (Transmit/Receive) module characterization over temperature, and in-flight correction based on measured temperatures. This method ignores the effects of element aging and any drifts unrelated to temperature. We are developing new digital calibration of digital beamforming arrays, which helps to reduce development time, risk and cost. Precision calibrated TR modules enable real-time beamforming architectures by accurately tracking modules' characteristics through closed-loop digital calibration, which tracks systematic changes regardless of temperature. The benefit of this effort is that it would enable a new, lightweight radar architecture, with on-board digital beamforming. This provides significantly larger swath coverage than conventional SAR architecture

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