
Cryo-Temp Data Logger


Biological experiments on the ISS are frequently frozen at ultra-low temperatures on orbit prior to return to Earth for analysis. Recording temperatures during the freezing process, and subsequent handling to the point of post-flight processing, can provide important information of sample integrity to the scientist. The MadgeTech Cryo-Temp Data Logger has been modified for space flight applications by the Payload Development Team at Kennedy Space Center. This ultra-low temperature data logger is rated for temperatures from -86 C to +35 C with 0.1 C resolution and +/-1 C accuracy, but has been successfully tested at Kennedy Space Centers Cryogenic Lab down to -100 C. The logger provides date and time stamped temperature recordings and can be set with logging intervals from 5 seconds up to 30 minutes using the MadgeTech Data Logger Software. Data can be recorded, depending on logging interval, for greater than 90 days. The Cryo-Temp Data logger will first be flown on Space X-12 in the BRIC-Petri Dish Fixation Unit (PDFU) canister hardware, recording temperature data for a Space Life and Physical Sciences (SLPS) flight experiment. The modified Cryo-Temp Data Logger is small in size (Figure 1) and is the ideal temperature monitoring solution for any application involving independent temperature data logging

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