
Design and Growth of Novel Compounds for Radiation Sensors: Multinary Chalcogenides


Increasing threats of radiological weapons have revitalized the researches for low cost large volume -ray and neutron ray sensors In the past few years we have designed and grown ternary and quaternary lead and thallium chalcogenides and lead selenoiodides for detectors to meet these challenges. These materials are congruent, can be tailored to enhance the parameters required for radiation sensors. In addition, this class of compounds can be grown by Bridgman method which promises for large volume productions. We have single crystals of several compounds from the melt including Tl3AsSe3, Tl3AsSe3-xSx, TlGaSe2, AgGaGe3Se8, AgxLi1-xAgGaGe3Se8 and PbTlI5-x Sex compounds. Experimental studies indicate that these have very low absorption coefficient, low defect density and can be fabricated in any shape and sizes. These crystals do not require post growth annealing and do not show any second phase precipitates when processed for electrode bonding and other fabrication steps. In this paper we report purification, growth and fabrication of large Tl3AsSe3 (TAS) crystals. We observed that TAS crystals grown by using further purification of as supplied high purity source materials followed by directionally solidified charge showed higher resistivity than previously reported values. TAS also showed constant value as the function of voltage. A low thermal gradient and high purity source material were used to reduce thermal stresses in large crystals. By improving the purification of the as supplied source materials very high quality thallium, selenium and arsenic was achieved for preparing stoichiometric Tl3AsSe3 compound. Low gradient (5cm/day) showed very different morphologies on the surface of the crystals. Electrical resistivity was one order of magnitude higher than previously reported value and it was observed to be constant as the function of frequency

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