
Bounded negativity, Harbourne constants and transversal arrangements of curves


The Bounded Negativity Conjecture predicts that for every complex projective surface XX there exists a number b(X)b(X) such that C2b(X)C^2\geq -b(X) holds for all reduced curves CXC\subset X. For birational surfaces f:YXf:Y\to X there have been introduced certain invariants (Harbourne constants) relating to the effect the numbers b(X)b(X), b(Y)b(Y) and the complexity of the map ff. These invariants have been studied previously when ff is the blowup of all singular points of an arrangement of lines in P2{\mathbb P}^2, of conics and of cubics. In the present note we extend these considerations to blowups of P2{\mathbb P}^2 at singular points of arrangements of curves of arbitrary degree dd. We also considerably generalize and modify the approach witnessed so far and study transversal arrangements of sufficiently positive curves on arbitrary surfaces with the non-negative Kodaira dimension.Comment: This is the final version, incorporating the suggestions of the referee, to appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourier Grenobl

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