
Moment-Based Spectral Analysis of Random Graphs with Given Expected Degrees


In this paper, we analyze the limiting spectral distribution of the adjacency matrix of a random graph ensemble, proposed by Chung and Lu, in which a given expected degree sequence wnT=(w1(n),,wn(n))\overline{w}_n^{^{T}} = (w^{(n)}_1,\ldots,w^{(n)}_n) is prescribed on the ensemble. Let ai,j=1\mathbf{a}_{i,j} =1 if there is an edge between the nodes {i,j}\{i,j\} and zero otherwise, and consider the normalized random adjacency matrix of the graph ensemble: An\mathbf{A}_n == [ai,j/n]i,j=1n [\mathbf{a}_{i,j}/\sqrt{n}]_{i,j=1}^{n}. The empirical spectral distribution of An\mathbf{A}_n denoted by Fn()\mathbf{F}_n(\mathord{\cdot}) is the empirical measure putting a mass 1/n1/n at each of the nn real eigenvalues of the symmetric matrix An\mathbf{A}_n. Under some technical conditions on the expected degree sequence, we show that with probability one, Fn()\mathbf{F}_n(\mathord{\cdot}) converges weakly to a deterministic distribution F()F(\mathord{\cdot}). Furthermore, we fully characterize this distribution by providing explicit expressions for the moments of F()F(\mathord{\cdot}). We apply our results to well-known degree distributions, such as power-law and exponential. The asymptotic expressions of the spectral moments in each case provide significant insights about the bulk behavior of the eigenvalue spectrum

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