
Abstract Ces\`aro spaces: Integral representations


The Ces\`aro function spaces Cesp=[C,Lp]Ces_p=[C,L^p], 1≤p≤∞1\le p\le\infty, have received renewed attention in recent years. Many properties of [C,Lp][C,L^p] are known. Less is known about [C,X][C,X] when the Ces\`aro operator takes its values in a rearrangement invariant (r.i.) space XX other than LpL^p. In this paper we study the spaces [C,X][C,X] via the methods of vector measures and vector integration. These techniques allow us to identify the absolutely continuous part of [C,X][C,X] and the Fatou completion of [C,X][C,X]; to show that [C,X][C,X] is never reflexive and never r.i.; to identify when [C,X][C,X] is weakly sequentially complete, when it is isomorphic to an AL-space, and when it has the Dunford-Pettis property. The same techniques are used to analyze the operator C:[C,X]→XC:[C,X]\to X; it is never compact but, it can be completely continuous.Comment: 21 page

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