
On the Well-posedness for the Chen-Lee equation in periodic Sobolev spaces


We prove that the initial value problem associated to a perturbation of the Benjamin-Ono equation or Chen-Lee equation ut+uux+βHuxx+η(Huxuxx)=0u_t+uu_x+\beta \mathcal{H}u_{xx}+\eta (\mathcal{H}u_x - u_{xx})=0, where xTx\in \mathbb{T}, t>0t> 0, η>0\eta >0 and H\mathcal{H} denotes the usual Hilbert transform, is locally and globally well-posed in the Sobolev spaces Hs(T)H^s(\mathbb{T}) for any s>12s>-\frac{1}{2}. We also prove some ill-posedness issues when s<1s<-1.Comment: 15 page

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