
Drug and Alcohol Studies (Volume 2: Theoretical Studies)


VOLUME TWO: THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES Excerpt from Drug, Set and Setting: The Basis for Controlled Intoxicant Use N. Zinberg Sociocultural Anthropology and Alcohol and Drug Research Geoffrey Hunt and Judith Barker Towards a Unified Theory Addiction Is a Brain Disease and It Matters Alan Leshner Drug Dependence A. Thomas McLellan et al A Chronic Mental Illness Alcohol Dependence Griffith Edwards and Milton Gross Provisional Description of a Clinical Syndrome Illicit Drugs and the Rise of Epidemiology during the 1960s Alex Mold A Conceptual Framework for Explaining Drug Addiction Nick Heather Addiction as an Excessive Appetite Jim Orford Becoming a Marijuana User Howard Becker The 'Risk Environment' Tim Rhodes A Framework for Understanding and Reducing Drug-Related Harm The Social Basis of Drug Dependency J. Young The Legacy of 'Normalization' Fiona Measham and Michael Shiner ' The Role of Classical and Contemporary Criminological Theory in Understanding Young People's Drug Use Taking Care of Business Edward Preble and John Casey The Heroin User's Life on the Street The Concept of Alcoholism as a Bad Habit R. Reinert Illegal Lemons P. Reuter and J. Caulkins Price Dispersion in Cocaine and Heroin Market

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