
Verbunden über Generationen: Struktur und Ausmaß der intergenerationalen Einkommensmobilität in Deutschland (Structure and extent of intergenerational income mobility in Germany)


"The paper examines the structure and the extent of intergenerational income mobility in Germany. Using data from the German Socio-economic Panel it is possible to look at both, father-son and father-daughter pairs. In the present case the intergenerational income elasticity is 0.26 for father-son pairs and 0.36 for father-daughter pairs. A more detailed analysis is carried out, applying a quantile regression approach. In a third step I estimate the transition matrices of sons. Although there is some persistence at both ends of the income distribution, the results show a high level of intergenerational mobility in Germany." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Einkommen, Intergenerationsmobilität, Töchter, Söhne, Väter

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