The Development of a Set of Principles for Through-Life Management of Engineering Information


Corporate business models are shifting away from product delivery paradigms to product-service paradigms, where ongoing through-life service support is preeminent. In the UK, a Grand Challenge project ( was established to investigate and develop good practice with regard to the design and use of information, knowledge support systems, and business methods necessary for organisations to succeed and profit within this new environment. A key outcome of this work has been the development of a series of principles for through-life management of engineering information, derived from the research insights and experiences of project members in both academia and industry, and supported by detailed explanations and implementation guidance. This report is an approved version of the Principles and their development.This work was undertaken through the “Immortal Information and Through-Life Knowledge Management: Strategies and Tools for the Emerging Product-Service Paradigm” (KIM) project, funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), under grant number EP/C534220/1

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