The SPECTRa Project: A Wider Chemistry View


This presentation was delivered to the "eBank/R4L/SPECTRa joint consultation workshop: Exploring the eCrystals Federation Model". eBank is a research programme which had run two successful projects (funded by JISC) at the time of the workshop. R4L and SPECTRa were in progress when the presentations were delivered. The aim of the project was to help develop the terms of reference for the next stage of the eBank programme; the formation of a federation of digital repositories holding crystallography data.The SPECTRa project is a collaboration between Imperial College London and the University of Cambridge investigating needs, attitudes and solutions to depositing chemistry data in institutional digital repositories. Because of it's departmental context and it's attention to three different chemistry specialisms, the SPECTRa project covers ground not previously covered (especially by the eBank projects). Tonge and Downing explain the cultural and technical problems raised, and propose some solutions being developed by the project.JISC Imperial College London University of Cambridg

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