Strengthening the Bank's population work in the nineties
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This paper argues that the Bank should give renewed priority to population matters and accelerate the current upward trend in lending for family planning programs in the 1990s. It is timely for two reasons. First, the need for bank action in population will increase in the 1990s as a result of growing unmet demand for family planning and stagnant bilateral assistance levels. Second, there is evidence that the initial effects of the 1987 World Bank reorganization have been to strengthening the potential for population work by integrating it more fully with economic analysis and overall country programming, but some further adjustments would assure that the potential could be realized. As the largest and most influential international development organization, there is an important leadership role for the Bank in promoting population policy analysis, dialogue, and in financing family planning programs.Adolescent Health,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Agricultural Research,Reproductive Health,Early Child and Children's Health