Few determinants of compulsive buying of youth in Pakistan
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Consumer compulsive buying has been an important area of study in consumer behavior research. The goal of this study was to determine the effect of factors like age, tendency to spend, post purchase guilt, drive to spend compulsively, feeling about shopping and spending and dysfunctional spending on compulsive buying behavior of youth in Pakistan. The primary data for this study was collected from questionnaire that was administered in Bahawalpur, Lahore and Islamabad. A convenience sample of three hundred and seventy one respondents was used in the study. Statistical techniques of correlation and regression were used for data analysis. The empirical findings show that the age has a significant but negative relationship with the compulsive buying behavior. However the factors tendency to spend, drive to spend compulsively, feeling about shopping and spending, dysfunctional spending and post purchase guilt are positively related to compulsive buying behavior.Compulsive buying behavior; Youth, Pakistan; Tendency to spend; Drive to spend Compulsively; Feeling about shopping and spending; Dysfunctional spending; Post purchase guilt; Age