
Capital investments in the context of time factor


The market economy creates various variants that an investor or another should know very well, should analyze them and choose the variant of investment which is the closes to its purposes. Such a variant of investments is the one that may materialize in certain manufacturing capacities, case in which the gain of the investor turns into profit; on this plan, we may assert that gaining much profit is the final purpose pursued by any investor in such a variant of capital placement. On the other side, we also must emphasize that profit is earned in time, and the time factor, on its turn, should be known, analyzed, localized and, certainly, quantified, so that the investment decision should not be empirical, but substantiated. This paper proposes to focus on few of the most important aspects of the impact of time factor on the capital investments, generally, and on their economic efficiency, particularly.profit, final profit, efficient period, functioning period, recovery period

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