
High Performance Computing For All


A Consortium of four partners - the University of Kent, University of Southampton, University of Wales College of Cardiff and Queen Mary and Westfield College have been pooling efforts to produce hypertext courseware to help teach High Performance Computing, jointly funded under the TLTP Phase II Programme by the Higher Education Funding Councils HEFCE, HEFCE,SHEFC and DENI. By high performance Computing we mean all aspects of parallelism:- Data Parallel concepts, Paradigms, Algorithms, Languages such as Fortran 90, High Performance Fortran, Occam, Message Passing. Architectures such as the Single Instruction Multiple Data(SIMD) eg. Maspar, Multiple Instruction Multiple Data (MIMD) eg Transputer Systems, NCube etc Users can choose the section of material, page order, point to clickable maps and explore to different levels of detail by following hyperlinks. This interaction only allows the user control over navigation. Electronic forms allow data input and this is going to be used in a variety of ways to provide self assessment and input of source code for example. Password control is another feature now available which has enabled control of particular resources to be set up and this opens the way for safe remote access. The multi media capabilities of the WEB system are now well known but at present the project has not sought to avail itself of for example, video or sound, but future enhancements will certainly do so

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