
Comércio interestadual brasileiro do setor agropecuário: uma análise de equilíbrio geral computável


Information about inter-regional trade is very unusual in most countries, including Brazil. This paper explores some features about inter-regional trade in Brazil based on empirical trade data incorporated in an inter-regional computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. Furthermore, considering the interstate system in Brazil, studies show the need for greater national trade integration, particularly by the fact that the interstate flows have a relatively higher for less developed states of the country. In this sense, the article aims to capture the importance of inter-regional trade flows in the agricultural sector between the Brazilian states and measure the most relevant state interconnections, through CGE simulations. Also, assess which flows from agricultural activity (between states or regions) have a greater impact in terms of efficiency (costs and growth) and equity (regional development and inequality). For such methodology is used as an inter-regional computable general equilibrium model f or Brazil (IMAGEM-B), which explores aspects of the above simulations and analysis of impacts.Trade Interstate, Computable General Equilibrium, Growth, Inequality Regional, National Welfare

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