
El Patronato Nacional de Turismo (1928-1932). Balance económico de una política turística


The National Tourist Board, which was set up in 1928, marked the beginning of the State’s participation in tourism. The main goal was to prepare the country for tourism for the 1929 exhibitions as well as to create the necessary national tourist board, imitating other European countries. Up to the time of the Civil War and during two distinct periods marked by a change in government, it focused on promoting tourism and the hotel industry. If the main lines of its tourism policy were correct, poor financing (it depended on a recently created compulsory insurance for rail travel) almost bankrupted it. Thus, the railway crisis in the thirties dragged national tourism down, subsequently stalling projects and investments. KEY Classification-JEL: G28, H81, N74, O21History of Tourism, Tourism Policy, Financing, State Investment

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