
La evolución del producto agrario del sur aragonés durante la Edad Moderna


The aim of this paper is to study the evolution of gross agricultural product and that of gross agricultural product per inhabitant, in order to specify the economic progress in the region throughout the 18th century. The total tithe of a large number of villages is used as source material, and two chronological sections are made, one at the end of the 17th century (1685-1694) and the other towards the end of the 18th (1785-1794). Finally, from the tithes and the censuses in 1709 and 1787 we try to establish the evolution of gross agricultural product per inhabitant; this variable providing us with the real measure of the agricultural growth in the century. Production grew in general terms throughout the 18th century, but gross product per inhabitant did so moderately, even though the growth in population was not very important. KEY Classification-JEL: N53, O13, R11Aragón, Agricultural Product, Economic Growth, Tithe

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