
Nachhaltigkeit und Menschenbilder


"Die praktische Umsetzung der Nachhaltigkeit in Politik und Gesellschaft erfordert eine Reflexion der den unterschiedlichen Maßnahmen zugrunde liegendenden Menschenbilder, die jedoch stets sowohl normativ als auch deskriptiv-analytisch sind. Im Artikel werden Menschenbildentwürfe wie der homo oeconomicus, der homo sociologicus, der homo politicus, der homo oecologicus und der homo sustinens unter dem Blickwinkel ihrer Erklärungs- und Gestaltungsbeiträge erörtert." (Autorenreferat)"The implementation of sustainable development in politics and society as a whole calls for the reflection of the conception of man underlying the specific policy measures. Generally speaking, every kind of conception of man is analytical and normative at the same time. Therefore, the paper poses the question which normative orientation is implied in different conceptions of man such as homo economicus, homo sociologicus, homo politicus, homo ecologicus and how they relate to general principles of sustainability. The concept of homo sustinens is presented in its dual function as a normative and analytical one. Finally, conclusions for policy making towards sustainable development are drawn with a special emphasis on the role of soft instruments which are based on concepts such as homo politicus, homo ecologicus and homo sustinens." (author's abstract

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