Concentrazioni Soglia di Contaminazione (CSC) e valori di fondo dell'arsenico nella prima falda confinata: uno studio geostatistico nell'area centrale del bacino scolante in laguna di Venezia
The study want to show an example of geostatistical approach to understand the arsenic distribution in the shallow groundwater of the drainage basin to the Venice lagoon. The datasets used are the result of some characterization studies made by ARPA Veneto from 2009 to 2014. They were got by four season fieldtrips. At the beginning these data were modified to consider only the parameters as As, Eh, pH and NH4+. Then these data were interpolated with two geostatistical methods to explore the arsenic distribution in the area and note the zones where arsenic concentrations exceed the contamination thresholds (CSC) or the arsenic background values. The CSC values are defined by D.Lgs 152/06, whereas, the background values are proposed by A.Li.Na study. To make the interpolation were used the Ordinary kriging and the Ordinary cokriging methods. Moreover, this study allowed to compare kriging and cokriging methods