
An In-Depth Examination of the Implementation of the Disability Equality Duty in England: Report for the Office for Disability Issues


This seven-month study examined the implementation of the Disability Equality Duty (DED) in England. The DED, introduced through the Disability Discrimination Act 2005, applies to public authorities in England, Wales and Scotland. The DED comprises a general duty and specific duties. The general duty requires public authorities to carry out their functions with due regard to the need to promote equality between disabled and non-disabled people. The specific duties require public authorities to publish a Disability Equality Scheme (DES) setting out how they intend to fulfil their general duty and specific duties. In addition, certain Secretaries of State must publish an overarching report for their policy sectors every three years. A Code of Practice1 to assist authorities with implementing the Duty was published by the then Disability Rights Commission

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