
Confidence as a route to economic development in post war Vietnam


In the final editing of this thesis, I continually stumbled over a question thatrequired answering. Why had I picked up on this topic? Why Vietnam? Whyconfidence? The truth is that the topic presented itself to me. In 2005, I left theUK for Vietnam to accompany a friend on a week's business, to share a fewmeals and see a few sights. I returned with a diary filled with the scribblingsand musings that would form the backbone of this work. Instead of relaxing, Ihad found inspiration in a vibrant country that was evolving before my eyes.The stories I was told and the scenes that I observed showed a country at aturning point, a country that hovered on the edge of success as the worldwatched with bated breath. My exploration of the subject of Vietnam'sconfidence was partly borne from my love of the country and its people andthe desire to capture the moment between Vietnam beginning to experiencereal success and it securing its place on the world market when it joins theWTO. For me, Vietnam's future is wholly based on the confidence of thosewho affect her future; the external parties, her government and her people andI feel deeply grateful that I have had the opportunity to be an intimate witnessto this transition

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