Recognition memory for emotionally arousing odors : a neuropsychological investigation


Note:The aim of this dissertation was 10 investigate if and how emotional arousalinfluences odor memory. I conducted three studies , one of which invo lved pat ients withresect ion from the medial tcmporal lobc including the amygd ala (MTLR). In the first experiment of Study 1, participants showed better memory for odo rs rated as being more emotionally arousing than tor odors rated as less arousing.Cette dissertation avail pour objectif d'etudier si, de quelle maniere. L'eveil emotionnel influence la memoire olfactive. J'ai effectue trois etudes, dont une impliquant des patients ayant subi une resection du lobe temporal median inc1uant l'amygdalc (MTLR). Dans la premiere experience de l'etude 1, la reconnaissance des odeurs plus emotionnellement eveillantes a ete superieure a celle des odeurs moins eveillantes

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