Contributions to a revision of the Compsoneura capitellata species group (Myristicaceae) through comparative analysis of androecium morphology


Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality control issues may be present in this document. Please report any quality issues you encounter to [email protected], referencing the URI of the item.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 59-60).Issued also on microfiche from Lange Micrographics.The Compsoneura capitellata complex is a group of Neotropical Myristicaceae species that has not received careful study since 1937. Many collections have been generated since that time. In this study, the distribution and variation of androecium morphology was analyzed using digital photography and measurement tools. Geospatial analyses of morphometric data were conducted in order to complement the visualization and presentation of morphological patterns. The results of this study contribute to a revision of the Compsoneura capitellata complex. Support from androecium morphology is provided for the recognition of five species in this group, including two new to science (C. capitellata sensu stricto, C. cuatrecasasii, C. camilodiazii, C. morona-santiagoensis, and C. stymanthera). Compsoneura capitellata sensu stricto is maintained as a variable species of western Amazonia, with recommendations for future study focused on leaf, flower, and fruit morphology. Androecium characteristics can be used for distinction between C. capitellata sensu stricto and the other four species of the complex. Suites of leaf, fruit, and flower characteristics provide a more reliable means of species diagnosis. Information about Compsoneura is available at The Myristicaceae Pages ( through searchable databases and image galleries that were designed and implemented during the course of this thesis project

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