
Internal Wave Rolls Observed with the TSP, and their Contribution to Turbulent Energy Transfer


In order to investigate the role of wave breaking in mixing processes, we observe finestructures of temperature in a coastal region, by using a towed thermister chain, which referred to as Towed temperature Structure Profiler (TSP). Internal wave rolls with a wave length of about 15 m, which may be caused by the K-H instability, were captured by the TSP. The temperature field obtained by the TSP enable us to analyze turbulent processes due to internal wave breaking. Spatial scales of mixing patches associated with the internal wave rolls are estimated as about 300 m in horizontal and 2-3 m in vertical by examining the spatial distribution of wave number spectra. The radiative loss of energy from the mixing patch by internal waves are also estimated. An importance of 'pressure-velocity correlation divergence ' term in the equation of turbulent kinetic energy budget in the coastal region was discussed. 1

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