
Electronic characterization of the phenological stages of grapevine using a LIDAR sensor


Canopy characteristics and their variation at all growth stages, together with the spatial distribution of plants in the field need to be considered in determining the application volume rate in fruit crops. Spray volume calculation in a vineyard needs to take into account concepts such as tree row volume (TRV), leaf wall area (LWA) and leaf area index (LAI). The objective of this work was to develop one protocol to characterize the canopy geometry of grapevine to determine BBCH stages using data sets measured manually and with LIDAR scanning. With this aim, a package called PROcess TO LIdar Data v.0.1 (PROTOLIDAR) was created in R environment to process the LIDAR scan information. Results showed a significant correlation between LIDAR impacts and LAI at each growth stage. The relationship between the estimated values of TRV or LWA, and the growth stage of the vine was statistically significant (R2 = 0.99 and R2 = 0.95, respectively). Finally, the geometry characterizations of the plants were represented in 2 or 3D maps in GRASS-GIS.Postprint (published version

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